Why accommodate human flows into urban platforms?


* Notes about temporal housing and facilities infrastructure with the possibility to be reused after the humanitarian crisis:

In the actual humanitarian crisis, where vulnerable people escape from political, economic, environmental and religious conflicts, architecture must stop to thinking walls and  borders, to imaging interphases, mechanisms and strategies of gradual absorption and slow canalization of the problem: Infrastructures with the capacity to respond urgent situation and at the same time project opportunities in the future.

The prototype rethinking the actual refugees’ reception centers (RRC),  proposing little changes:

A) Refugges reception centers need to be located in city centers., nor peripheries.

B) This structures in the future could be reuse: as public space and communitarian facilities or improving buildings conditions. Could be transformed into anything else.


Aims of the project:

1) Respond to the precariousness of flow populations.

2) Offer temporal housing and basic services. (drinking water, electricity, toilet, internet)

3) Offer spaces for opportunities (production and exchange)

4) Improve health, education, and recreation RRC conditions.

5) Reconfigure multicultural migration society.

6) Cultural link between hostess and visitor.

7) Be adaptable to different plot condition.

8) Cities density and hybridization improvement.